The solar software to accelerate the energy revolution
pvSelf is a cloud-based software to size and explain the behaviour of PV systems based on real energy consumption data, and monitor the performance after commissioning, all in one platform.
pvSelf is a cloud-based software to size and explain the behaviour of PV systems based on real energy consumption data, and monitor the performance after commissioning, all in one platform.
pvSelf focuses on the pre-design stage of a PV rooftop system, making easy to explain the PV system’s energetic and financial behaviour and getting to know customer’s preferences in no time.
Access the software from any of your devices
Create a PDF proposal
in a few clicks.
Pay by usage data
you'll just pay for what you need.
Pre-size systems in batch
and work on details on later steps.
Take a quick look at the pvSelf dashboard
pvSelf is ready for massive data manipulation from differents sources. It focuses on sizing collective self-consumption systems. As an installer or engineering firm, you will be able to grant access to pvSelf´s monitoring platform to the members of an Energy Community, so they can check their individual and collective performance.
Whether you have a couple of PDF bills or a full hourly load profile in an Excel file, pvSelf will quickly import that consumption data and allow you to create ready-to-go hourly profiles for simulation.
The sooner we show our customers what to expect of his solar installation, the sooner we´ll know what they need and your efficiency on PV proposals will grow exponentially. A multi-scenario dashboard is perfect to have our first conversation with the customer.
We integrate inverter and meter data in pvSelf, so you can have the initial assumptions and the final performance data on the same platform. Ideal for continuous O&M supervision and the perfect trust booster.
© copyright pvSelf 2023